7 Church's Entrance Steps


Although the entrances and exits from the church may seem to flow naturally, the truth is that they require careful planning to avoid turning into a total chaos. To ensure a smooth execution, we present seven carefully selected steps to guide the protagonists on the big day. However, it is crucial to keep in mind that the entrance and exit from the church should be organized in a way that makes the process smooth, avoiding added stress on a day that is already so significant.

Designate a Responsible Person

If you have a wedding planner, they will be responsible for guiding guests during the entrances and exits. If you do not have this service, it is advisable to appoint a groomsman or bridesmaid to take on this responsibility. Choose someone assertive, able to mobilize guests and maintain order during the process.

Define the Distribution of Guests

Traditionally, the bride's guests occupy the left side, while the groom's guests sit on the right side, facing the altar. These positions reflect the places that the newlyweds will assume during the ceremony. The first rows or rows are usually reserved for the family and close relatives, depending on the size of the family.

Consider the Space Required per Person

Given that festive attire tends to be voluminous, it is advisable to reserve more space per person. Witnesses and participants in the ceremony, such as readers or singers, should sit closer to the altar. The person in charge of guiding guests should ensure that the central rows do not remain empty, avoiding a disordered appearance in the photographs.

Establish the Order of Entrance

The entrance begins with the guests taking their seats in the church. Then, the groom enters with his mother and waits at the altar for the arrival of the bride. The bridesmaids, maids of honor, and groomsmen follow. The children who prepare the bride's path with petals and those who carry the rings enter before the bride's long-awaited entrance with her father's arm. When she arrives at the altar, the bride stands on the left of the groom, her position during the ceremony.

Exit Protocol

After the ceremony, the order of exit is similar: guests exit first, followed by the bride and groom's parents, groomsmen, bridesmaids, children, and finally, the newlyweds. Keeping everyone waiting outside the church to greet the newlyweds, throw rice or petals is essential.

Avoid Dispersion During the Signing of the Certificate

While the newlyweds are signing the marriage certificate, the person responsible for organizing the guests should prevent them from dispersing. The photo moment occurs when the newlyweds exit, being an important record for everyone present.

Adapt the Protocol According to the Couple's Preference

Although these guidelines follow tradition, each couple should feel comfortable adapting the protocol according to their preferences. Choosing a special person to occupy the front row or following a unique ritual are personal decisions that can be communicated in the wedding invitations. Tradition can be adjusted to reflect the couple's personality, while still maintaining the flow and clarity of the event.